AGE: “All Going Empty”
Literally “AGE” is the passage of time dealing with the length of existence. The online resource,, define it as “…a period of human life measured by years from birth marked by
a degree of mental or physical development.†However in the context used here it sums up the
period spanning from birth to demise and lessons taught by the certainty of the latter.
Although it conveys a tangible value through the message it brings to bear, “AGE” is nonetheless
perceived by many as mere combination of numbers that add-up by the day. To this group little
or no weight is placed on the cessation of time as it relates to individual existence and construed
in this piece.
As a progression of time the trajectory of “AGE” can only be in a forward direction bereft ofÂ
reversal or recline. Accordingly we progress in our chosen endeavour by exerting enormous
energy: mental, physical and spiritual to transpose from one point to another in the twisty
podium of life. In other words a great amount of attention is paid to activities directed at
driving dreams and bringing goals to fruition.
Let us spend some moment to reflect on the common voyage that “AGE†defines. A tour that begins
with a baby’s convulsive cry and the management of early days. The mobile observatory parents become
as they witness and support their baby crawl, see the first steps carried off the walker, scuffle through
the process of weaning and hear the initial sensible words emitting from a drooling mouth.Â
Mention must be made of the dreadful worries visited on parents when kids are poorly. The
man-hours worked to ensure that the pangs of hunger are far from the dining room. The resources
guzzled by the process of learning commencing with mastering the alphabets and numerical figures.
The exuberance and vulnerability of teenage years and the migraine attacks endured by parents or
guardians  as they labour to instil moderation. Â
Subsequently adult life enthrones a measure of independence as the child trudges away to start a fresh
circle. The cloak of singleness is shed as new branches sprout out in the family tree. Inexorably children
become adults even as their offspring live out the same circle. Together generations stride through time
as they cover their respective distances. Â
In due seasons, gradually but surely we all become elderly as agility retires to the back stage. Degeneration
assume a place of prominence as everything drags at the speed of snail. The new outlook is a function of
time; the ever moving trend that carries to the end all that lie on its path. This is the mutual goodbye that all
mortal must bid the world; and anyone who otherwise has an “indefinite leave to remain” is at liberty to
contest this truth.
Regardless of differences that may exist, the relevance of earthly attainments should be measured
against the inevitability of a mortal end. Given attitudes as we know them, it is obvious that people
struggle to appreciate the message that “AGE” disseminates as if life is without end. This lifestyle
inform the chaotic entity the world has become and etches a question mark on the mental prominence
of the human specie.
In a bid to boost material and social status which by their nature add no value at the finish line, humans
commit to strife and bitter contest. Driven by discontentment, covetousness and inordinate quest for
power and dominance, the ability to decipher between right and wrong or necessity and vainness are lost
in the cloud. The heart of man has become so mean to the extent that no evil act is off the table. Conscience
and civility are now words that largely exist in the pages of a dictionary.
The world continues to witness the suffering of innocent people of all gender, age and persuasion who
are consumed in senseless violence orchestrated by bigots and despots. In certain regions of the world
lives are cut short in a fierce bid to control the market for illicit substances as though life itself depend
on them.
In a broad sense it is correct to say that the cohesive spirit of “family” has turbidly eroded.  RelativesÂ
pretentiously carry on as such;Â even those who claim some measure of righteousness (whether as leaders
or the led) in places of worship have remained at daggers drawn, sometimes in the inner recesses of their
hearts wishing the other never lived. Many who consider themselves friends and acquaintances have
perfidiously betrayed relationships, spitefully vented wickedness, tainted reputations and coveted what
rightly belong to their neighbour.
 A sizeable chunk of humanity has lost their moral compass and unashamedly clamour for indulgencies
that even lesser beings – animals and birds of the air would never be caught dead doing. In today’s world
varying dimensions of abnormalities and absurdities are glorified as acceptable standard of values in the
name of human rights and equality.
It is apt to ask where the world is headed? Although the message of “AGE” has increasingly lost its impartation
as humans become vainer, all of man must unavoidably live out its truth. At the finish line, “AGE†remain a
leveller and true equality is enthroned as all appear subject to the same Judge and on the same terms. At such
time, it ceases to matter who ate the main course or crumb on earth.
Embrace the silent message of AGE (All Going Empty) and live for the greater good of society. People are not
remembered for what they had, but for the good or bad they did. A good name earned from good deeds is
the tag that will outlive you as all else is ultimately counted trivial. “Everyone comes naked from their
mother’s womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart. They take nothing from their toil that they can
carry in their handsâ€Â – Ecclesiastes 5:15.
 1Timothy 6:7 pointly sums up the message: “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing
out of it.â€Â Â
                                                       –  In His Grip,
                                                         Victor Sisan Awani
[Translate]Living by giving
Giving shares a lifeÂ
Depriving self of the whole to keep a piece
Passing-on what the flesh yearn to retain
An act that subtract at dusk
A sacrifice rewarding at dawn
Giving spreads love
Dispersing boundless care for others
Generosity amidst personal craving
Blind to the failings of greed and egotism
Bridging boundaries of lack and plenty
Giving brings health to the body
Like a convivial alley of bliss
A soothing wind that caress the soul
Drawing strength from the lifted life of another
We power on bloated by the joy we extend
Giving is an exercise in goodness
A need creates the burden to share
Prompted by a facilitator on His throne
The giver touches a receiver
A glorious life we live when we give
                                                        - In His grip,
                                                  Victor S. Awani
[Translate]The Futility of Self
The commonality of existence was the basis of creation. The intention of God the forerunner of life is that all his creation
lives off one another. Nothing was made to subsist in seclusion. The seven days of creation reflect the endless mind of God.
The book of Genesis 1:1-28 presents the naked evidence of His plan. A timeless mind that lay bare in scriptures.
His concepts were paired and man was granted the heavenly grace to multiply. The creation of heaven and earth, day and
night, dry land and seas, man and woman…. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them…And God blessed them, and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish
the earth…â€
If the heart of his maker is unlocked why then does man glory in self living within his own borders? Caged in the prison of
his mind he promotes selfishness as though his life depends on it. Withdrawn into a broken shell man trudges along
oblivious of how vulnerable he is without God’s wrap.
The needs of man are insatiable yet he strives with self and the world desperate to meet his vain desires. Miserable on
every side and mounting blocks of forlorn hope he waits endlessly for that day when his appetite will overflow
with satisfaction.
Squeezing water from stone man grapples with the effort to sojourn through life standing only on the land he owns. The
world to him is an island that should be traversed in isolation. He abhors walking the walk holding hands with others
intent on savouring the glory all by himself. Against the flow of our penny-pinching thoughts all lands are linked and
those possessed by others begin where our own ends. In life’s journey we unavoidably need ourselves; although
within lawful and moral limits.
God advances the spirit of coexistence and good neighbourliness. The Word of God in Mark 12:31 admonish us to love our
neighbour as ourselves. The concept of fairness and reciprocity as a principle of human cohesion is emphasised by Jesus
Christ in Luke 6:31 saying: “Do to others as you would have them do to youâ€. In Galatians 6:10 Apostle Paul wrote: “As
you therefore have opportunity let us do good to all men especially unto them who are of the household of faithâ€.
The all-knowing father and author of heaven and earth acknowledges our frailties and limitations as mortal beings.
It isn’t His intention that man should go the full hug alone. We weren’t created to do so and it is simply fruitless
and miserable trying to thread that path.
If self-sufficiency is measured by our earthly possession then King Solomon should have had nothing to do with his
unhappy ending. He kept a large retinue of servants – 1 Kings 11:13 also accounts that he had seven hundred wives and
three hundred concubines. Clearly he had so much going for him to last several lifetimes.
“And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen… And Solomon
reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto the border of Egypt. ” I Kings 4:26 & 21
It is instructive that King Solomon in all his opulence and clout relied on servants to get by each day. Why would such a
high net-worth King need such “lowly†people? In Ecclesiastes 2:7-8 the king wrote: “I acquired male and female
servants, and had servants born in my house. Yes I had greater possessions of herds and flocks than all who were in
Jerusalem before me.â€
The Bible accounts in Mark 12:41-44 of the widow who gave so little and yet gave her all. It is pertinent to reflect and
draw a lesson from this.  What is the value of the widow’s mite compared to the usually celebrated display of the high
and wealthy? The Lord has taught us among other lessons that we all count in the sequence of life. Pointedly, ninety-nine
pence isn’t one pound until one penny is added.
Self is personal and pay allegiance to its own narrow ends; greedy and lonely it is a catalyst for misery. Ready to receive
yet afraid to share with others the self-seeking lives in perpetual thirst worrying that the Atlantic Ocean will run dry.
Amidst the ceaseless flow of the river, water is despised for spittle.
In the order of Cain the selfish is canal and covetous. Deceptive, misguided and deluded he pretends to be clothed yet
naked under the glare of daylight. Foolhardiness robust and flaunted the vision of self is stunted and does not transcend
the nostrils. The length of its time is dwarfed by time itself.
The urge to satisfy a need at the expense of anything is as lethal as wickedness driven by self and greed. Ultimately
weighed down by the cry of Abel (Genesis 4:10) self is ingloriously consigned to the bottom of the Esau ladder
(Genesis 25:29-34).
Get over and live beyond yourself. To go the distance assuredly you need those who look up to you as much as those you
look up to. Man was not made for himself but that through him others will find a reason to cling on. This is the
opportunity, now is the moment; at the cessation of breath both chance and time are lost forever.
                                                    In His grip,                       Â
                                                                  Victor & Jolomi Awani (22-03-2012)
[Translate]A Friend
Where is a friend among mortals?
The six letter word;
elusive yet fondly used.
I have searched through the ages;
like a shadow with human flesh,
I find not.
Iniquity adorned with a grin;
Lonely and treacherous,
I fathom this abode.
Someone to rely on;
like a river in the desert,
I find not.
A roar echo as laughter;
king of the jungle a sheep present.
Venom disguised as milk,
a graceful hand to hold;
like oxygen in Mars,
I find not.
Spear served as turkey drumstick
Strife resident in the heart’s bunker;
mischief on auction sale.
A life bereft of pretence;
like summer in the arctic,
I find not.
Truth scarce to behold
self as billboard display.
The keeper of a brother;
like love in hell,
I find not.
Serenity resides with a friend,
integrity a way of life,
gentility like sunray beam,
kindness his trademark,
truthfulness the meal he serves.
Love is his name.
A true and trusted friend;
Like bliss in heaven,
I find in Jesus.
                                             In His grip,
                                            Victor & Jolomi Awani (13-12-2011)
Christmas! A fresh beginning for mankind
The precious breath to start anew
An excursion to redeem
To find and liberate the mislaid.
A reversal of time
Age and status jettisoned
The time to be like a child
Thinking, talking and loving as a toddler.
 The joy a manger kid brings
Godliness and innocence personified
The smile that disarms evil
A hug that is pure and true.
Sacrifice immeasurable
The gift to a depraved world
Benevolence undeserved
The love that ushered eternity.
Friendship unblemished
Taking nothing; giving everything
Sharing without strings
From a kind to a grateful heart.
Christmas is forgiveness exemplified Â
A commitment to compassion
Serene presence of a soothing heart
The gift that gives ALWAYS.
                                                    In His grip,
                                                   Victor & Jolomi Awani (13-12-2011)
[Translate]A race to the end
All of life is a grotesque race to the end
The unsavoury mix of sin, righteousness, hate and love
A journey through basic instructions
Parameters from Him, who made yesterday, hold today and discern tomorrow
The architect of time, destination and the route through and to it
 A sojourn through time flagged off with divine bellow
Directives unblemished, clear and definite
“And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the
garden thou mayest freely eat†(Genesis 2:16)
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat
of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die†(Genesis 2:17)
The primary hint on disobedience, sin and effect
AÂ consequence as bright as sunlight
 Heavenly guide jettisoned by man
Wobbling down the wide and beautiful terrain
The road of destructive bliss
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death†(Proverbs 14:12)
Lamentation, pain and death unleash ferocious claws of grief
Cotton of privilege and liberty lost in the wind.
Enter the bitter chase for survival
Avoidable toil, groan and tears
Reprimands setup with a hammer
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy
conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children…†(Genesis3:16)
“And unto Adam he said… cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow
shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. In the sweat of thy face shalt
thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground†(Genesis 3:17-19)
The end was within sight; everything became vanity.
Where is man headed?
What is known of his duration?
The journey devoid of time frame
A return trip to the dust
“For out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt
thou return†(Gen. 3:19b)
Immaterial if the mat, cloth, or casket is crafted in gold
 A walk-through with no rational definition
 Be mindful of its inevitable outcome
Guided by a quest for eternity
Thinking, living and relating right with the patentee
Knowing that the stopover is brief and transient
Focusing rightly on heaven; the ultimate and perfect abode
 With a terminal end, God asserts authority
The wheel of justice revolve around His command
 Time, a colossal waste without heaven
The race, zilch without Jesus
All mortal attainment and possession, irrelevant in the grave
“God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required
of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God†(Luke 12:20-21)
At the finish line, knowledge is lost of the starting block
Oblivious the race to the end is over.
                                                            Victor and Jolomi Awani (07-09-2011)
[Translate]The peace of God
When pain waits in silence
When hunger is patient
When tears wallow in drought
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When life is drained but alive
When frailty blossom in gloom
When hope is scarce and faith as fig tree stands
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When persecution is a friend
When turbulence the relative we know
When solitude our world embrace
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When neglect is hosted with a cheerful grin
When wickedness visit but love the story we share
When care is caged and careless yet carers we translate
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When mischief shrinks like wildfire under control
When the lip hot with malice is bridled
When plain glass stay unbroken by a brick of hate
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When the fangs of betrayal touch a flesh of steel
When laughter echos from the depth of grief
When gratitude flourish in the drought of Somaliland
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
When calm is the sea of trouble
When plenty reign amidst the whirlwind of lack
When the journey’s end is gain to the righteous
When the sea of the soul is still
Serenity finds expression in God.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Victor & Jolomi Awani (28/08/2011)
[Translate]Cast not thyself down
God at work, man a replicate He made
Condition of rest an inglorious exit took
Life as taser gun sending waves of shock to crush
Tranquillity gone, neither crafter nor crafted know
Peace corrupted by sin; the absence of rest we contend.
Lost it has many, the balance unable to keep
Subdued and worn-out everywhere is found
Failure of love, disappointment of hope; betrayal of trust
Economy in anguish; a pile and litter of bills
Final notice through the letter hole threaten
The emissary of death; redundancy plays host.
Painfully from life they stride off
Wearied and tired, from earth they clock out
Yanked away; hope spiral into oblivion
In the rail track or cliff the grief trails
A dream shredded, resident below ground forever
Greater grief when hell’s gate beckons a welcome.
Cast not thyself down
Though the devil calls, the deceitful lip shun
The entreaty pleasant may seem, destruction lurks
Claws hidden hanker for blood innocently shed
Resist and flee but your ground hold
Get thee behind me; with faith command.
Wait, wait, wait, and cling on
Strength renewed the dawn bring
A new day from night depart
With grace joy like sun rise
Prowling the evil master wander
A leap from the pinnacle on sale; suicide embellished
Like Jesus; refuse, reject, rebuke
Cast not thyself down.
                                             Victor & Jolomi Awani (27/02/2011)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Victor Awani
A time to receive
The World English Dictionary defines faith as a strong or unshakeable belief in something,
especially without proof or evidence. Aptly, the Bible in Hebrews 11:1 define faith as
“…being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.†Verse 3 of the same
chapter goes further to elucidate or shed more light by relating faith to our believe that the
universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was
To believe is an exercise in faith. It entails taking a position of certainty regarding an
outcome, although no clear or verifiable evidence exist. From the biblical perspective, people
who believe are certain of the truth or existence of God; and that he rewards those who
earnestly seek him. They believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel; and that through him
everyone who believes is justified. Believing means that doubt should not only be put in
abeyance, but discountenanced or discarded completely. A believer is certain about an
‘approval’ by God (blessing/promise) not visible to the physical eye; and proceeds to receive
 it, all by faith.
What you receive is directly related to what is believed. Receiving from God requires that you
embrace and acknowledge Him, accept and collect what He has made available to you.
Believing in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, confessing and acknowledging His forgiveness,
knowing that your prayer is answered, and receiving the reward often unseen in the instant,
completes the circle of faith. A provision that already exist in the spirit realm is then made
manifest in the physical.
Receiving, therefore, is a function of asking and believing. However, do not ask without
end or believe only by reason of your senses; for to do any of these is in itself an expression of
doubt. Persist and persevere not in asking, but in waiting for manifestation believing that
what was promised has been given. In Romans 4:18, the Bible accounts that “against all
hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been
said to him.†Also in healing two blind men, Jesus had asked them “do you believe that I am
able to do this,†and the restoration of their sights followed their response in the affirmative.
Jesus touched their eyes and said “according to your faith will it be done to you†– Matthew
God is eternally active in the business of ‘approval’; saying yes to demands placed on Him by
his people. Appending his stamp to douse your fears and tears, taking out infirmities, pulling
down burdens, flattening mountains, standing for you, with you and by you; translating needs
into deeds of glory. The word of God tells us in Psalm 145:13b that “the Lord is faithful to all His
promises…†Therefore, entertain no question on the trustworthiness of the Almighty to keep
His word. His faithfulness to His promises is absolute.
In Matthew 17:17 Jesus exclaimed: “O unbelieving and perverse generation†– five words
that sum up our scepticism. As a consequence of non-belief, the disciples of Jesus could not
heal a demon possessed boy because they couldn’t muster enough faith to chase the demon
out. In verse 21, taking them to task and affirming the truth, Jesus said …â€if you have faith as
small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will
move. Nothing will be impossible for you.†Elect today to start receiving, taking in your grip
and operating in the promises already made manifest. The onus is on you to receive.
                                                                                             Victor & Jolomi Awani (15-01-2011)
  Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Victor Awani
Go past a dream
Your dream is the mental blueprint of a goal; aspiration laid out in a drawing board. It is the
conscious road en route a destination still in design format. Your dream is your vision; what
you aim to be or accomplish within a set or undefined time frame. A dream in this context,
vary from thoughts, images, emotions, or revelations that play out in the mind while you sleep.
A grain of rice fresh from the field is raw until it is cooked; and there’s no gainsaying that an
inedible meal is of no value to the hungry. We eat to douse the pang of hunger, and above
all provide the body with the needed fuel for sustenance. In the same vein, we can liken an
unprocessed dream to an objective or idea in raw form. Until it is activated into fruition, it stays
as a mere imagination deep in slumber. A dormant desire miserably consigned in the recesses
of the mind.
Translating your dream into reality require that you set out on the right foundation. Primarily,
your goal must be such as would glorify God and bless humanity. It should rest on a solid
rock and in consonance with His will and purpose for you. Revolve your aspirations around
God; for unless he builds the house, the builders labour in vain – Psalm 127:1. Accordingly,
dreams need His stamp of authority to actualize; a power that your weaknesses and the vagaries
of life submit to. Therefore, place your demand on God; for whatever you ask according to His
will you will have – 1 John 5:14. It may also please you to know that the blessing from the Lord
is sorrow-free; for He adds no trouble  to it – Proverbs 10:22.Â
The end of a matter is said to be better than the beginning; yes! But to have an outcome, there
has to be a commencement. A vessel at the port of departure cannot be said to have set sail;
or its cargo delivered until it docks at the port of discharge. To be airborne you must commit
to boarding before lift-off; only that which is on board will arrive. Get your dream off the
starting block; put some teeth to it, and work out the manifestation of your vision. Break the
circle of procrastination and stagnation; shift from talking a dream to executing the dream
because “…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead†– James 2:17.
Go past a dream; however, be mindful that working it out is not always smooth sailing.
The voyage could encounter rough weather and storms; run aground or hit an iceberg, among
other hiccup. Challenges will rear their heads, delays and the boredom of waiting, and even
the temptation to change the course of your journey just before the end. Times such as these
require the strength of will and conviction to see your dream through. Do not be feeble kneed,
eschew fear, remain focused and courageous, but “…have no confidence in your flesh†–
Philippians 3:3, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being
trapped – Proverbs 3:26.
                                                                                           Victor & Jolomi Awani (01-01-2011)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Victor Awani