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January 2025
Today’s Bible Verse 16.01.2025
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. — Psalm 56:3-4 (KJV)
Bible Reading Plan

Go past a dream

Your dream is the mental blueprint of a goal; aspiration laid out in a drawing board. It is the

conscious road en route a destination still in design format. Your dream is your vision; what

you aim to be or accomplish within a set or undefined time frame. A dream in this context,

vary from thoughts, images, emotions, or revelations that play out in the mind while you sleep.


A grain of rice fresh from the field is raw until it is cooked; and there’s no gainsaying that an

inedible meal is of no value to the hungry. We eat to douse the pang of hunger, and above

all provide the body with the needed fuel for sustenance. In the same vein, we can liken an

unprocessed dream to an objective or idea in raw form. Until it is activated into fruition, it stays

as a mere imagination deep in slumber. A dormant desire miserably consigned in the recesses

of the mind.


Translating your dream into reality require that you set out on the right foundation. Primarily,

your goal must be such as would glorify God and bless humanity. It should rest on a solid

rock and in consonance with His will and purpose for you. Revolve your aspirations around

God; for unless he builds the house, the builders labour in vain – Psalm 127:1. Accordingly,

dreams need His stamp of authority to actualize; a power that your weaknesses and the vagaries

of life submit to. Therefore, place your demand on God; for whatever you ask according to His

will you will have – 1 John 5:14. It may also please you to know that the blessing from the Lord

is sorrow-free; for He adds no trouble  to it – Proverbs 10:22. 


The end of a matter is said to be better than the beginning; yes! But to have an outcome, there

has to be a commencement. A vessel at the port of departure cannot be said to have set sail;

or its cargo delivered until it docks at the port of discharge. To be airborne you must commit

to boarding before lift-off; only that which is on board will arrive. Get your dream off the

starting block; put some teeth to it, and work out the manifestation of your vision. Break the

circle of procrastination and stagnation; shift from talking a dream to executing the dream

because “…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” – James 2:17.


Go past a dream; however, be mindful that working it out is not always smooth sailing.

The voyage could encounter rough weather and storms; run aground or hit an iceberg, among

other hiccup. Challenges will rear their heads, delays and the boredom of waiting, and even

the temptation to change the course of your journey just before the end. Times such as these

require the strength of will and conviction to see your dream through. Do not be feeble kneed,

eschew fear, remain focused and courageous, but “…have no confidence in your flesh” –

Philippians 3:3, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being

trapped – Proverbs 3:26.

                                                                                             Victor & Jolomi Awani (01-01-2011)


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