Live the Word
  The word that is God
  A flawless truth that save
  Streaming from Him who is knowledge
  The custodian of timeless wisdom
  Embodiment of rounded exactness
  A complete recipe for living
  Foretells the hurdles that line the path
  Sheds light on the disguised trenches
  A marker depicting safe directions
  Guiding jerky steps all the way
A healing balm without season
Washes clean the dirt of iniquity
Soothes the pain of guilt
Forgives the repentant heart
And reassures life to a willing soul
The ceaseless fire that consumes
Admonish recalcitrant defaulters
Flattens monstrous armies of evil
Crushes the arrow of wickedness
Consigns satan to the endless pit
It acquaints all with the gift
The messianic token that gives life
Perseverate in saving seekers
An example in charge-less love
The roadmap for selfless giving
The epitome of love and sacrifice
Compassion without condition
Defender of the downtrodden
Place of restoration for the lost
A sinless death that enthroned life
Live out the hallowed word of God
Eternal loads of good are its teaching
Tutelage that facilitate true change
A lifestyle of enduring newness
Bringing liberty now and hereafter
                                    In His grip
                                  Jolomi Olayemi Awani