Posts Tagged ‘Cling to the vine’
The Judgment Seat of God
 This is neither the United Nations Security Council,
 Nor is it the immune club of its privileged overlords,
 Polar apart with Hague’s International Criminal Court,
 Matchless variance with European Court of Justice,
 Distinct from the apex court of any known nation,
 Heavenly Authority it is to which all of man is subject.
The jurisdiction in its entirety belong to God,
The arena where truth found its origin and bide,
Beyond the deception of emotion and perversion,
Free from the vagaries of human limitation and bigotry,
A place of nakedness as revealed to Him alone,
Where the hidden is laid bare like sunlight.
The silent shout of no plea is entered,
Time guzzling theatrics of a courtroom unseen,
Mortal advocacy and submission has no place,
His determination predate any appearance
As man queue naked before his maker,
Foreknown is everything buried in his earthly dark.
Feel the pulse before the gavel is dropped,
Take a step back in time to search the soul,
Unravelling filthy blanks waiting to be filled,
Atone and erase the scorching guilt of disobedience,
The invisible joy of salvation a carrier become,
Hebrews 9:27 is undisguised:
“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
                  -      In His grip
                     Victor Sisan Awani
[Translate]Live the Word
  The word that is God
  A flawless truth that save
  Streaming from Him who is knowledge
  The custodian of timeless wisdom
  Embodiment of rounded exactness
  A complete recipe for living
  Foretells the hurdles that line the path
  Sheds light on the disguised trenches
  A marker depicting safe directions
  Guiding jerky steps all the way
A healing balm without season
Washes clean the dirt of iniquity
Soothes the pain of guilt
Forgives the repentant heart
And reassures life to a willing soul
The ceaseless fire that consumes
Admonish recalcitrant defaulters
Flattens monstrous armies of evil
Crushes the arrow of wickedness
Consigns satan to the endless pit
It acquaints all with the gift
The messianic token that gives life
Perseverate in saving seekers
An example in charge-less love
The roadmap for selfless giving
The epitome of love and sacrifice
Compassion without condition
Defender of the downtrodden
Place of restoration for the lost
A sinless death that enthroned life
Live out the hallowed word of God
Eternal loads of good are its teaching
Tutelage that facilitate true change
A lifestyle of enduring newness
Bringing liberty now and hereafter
                                    In His grip
                                  Jolomi Olayemi Awani
[Translate]The crown of God
  Hope adorn the firmament
  Words extol its splendour
  All could see the glory
  As hearts leap in amazement
  The journey into eternity
  Sufficient for many lifetime
  Everything adding-up in shape
  Two dancing the songs of gratitude
  Fulfilment glow within sight
  Joy entrenched in bones
  Trudging ahead mouths agape
  And grapple how to carry the blessings
Enter the wind of rage
As ugly king of hell frowns
Venom of pain spills to annihilate
Dryness prevail as tears rain in the desert
Heaven rouses to shield the broken
Spikes of evil kaput beyond salvage
Pillar of despair drowned by favour
Assured victory certain to reign
One and five miles down the path
A tiny smile salutes mother earth
Howling a baggage of love and grace
The crown of God that fit
                                                        - In His Grip
                                                           Jolomi Olayemi Awani
[Translate]In want of Knowledge
The world beseech for knowledge; not vain values enforced by parents on their
brood, or knowledge as handed down by professors, sledgehammer wielding
bankers, the blurred pens of journalists, and the dicey lips of politicians.
The world hanker after knowledge; not as strained through our ears by the
boom of guns, debauchery disguised by television, deception disseminated
by enchanters and sorcerers, or knowledge as foretold by the positioning of
the moon and stars.
The world yearn for knowledge; not the conflicting theories on climate
change shared by scientists, the erratic and flawed outcomes from scans
and crystal balls, greed decorated by profit mongers, or solution
defying data from straw-grasping economic scholars and bailout apologists.
The world desire knowledge; not the semblance of unity in the disunited
comity of nations, or knowledge conceived, shredded and stitched together
by policymakers, or as read and misread by toupee wearers and their
forerbears – the courts.
The world sulk for knowledge; all-inclusive and greater kind of knowledge,
the absence of which portent turmoil. Knowledge supreme to the judgment
and limitation of man, rooted in unfailing love, truth, shared and
common existence.
The world need knowledge; that transcend the pettiness of pigment,
tribe and tongue, that which will have you do to your neighbour as you
would want him do to you. The knowledge that bond and unify people, devoid
of selfishness, hate, bitterness, strive, the wanton threat of harm, and
undeserved death itself.
The world is in want of God; the knowledge that can save, deliver and
reconcile. Heavenly knowledge that guarantee eternal life; not as defined by
man, but by Him who is over and above all His creation. The awareness of
peace in the midst of storm, sufficiency albeit the dinner table lay
bare, assured victory that flows from the stream of faith.  A knowledge
that commence with the functional fear of God; that which facilitate an experience
of the Father through His Son – Jesus Christ.
                                                                – Victor & Jolomi Awani (16-11-2010)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Threading the opposite path
You were made in the image and likeness of God, ordained to reign in the earth as king-priest (Rev. 5:10),
yet it is possible to miss yourself; walking as though sightless, at variance with who you are.
You miss yourself: when you walk away from your kingship,
oblivious of what you are; lost on who you were made to be.
Living at cross purpose with His intent; in contradiction with divine will,
heading north to a slum, when a palace lay waste down south;
Flying the banner of the world,Â
a proud holder of season ticket; running commentary on the round leather over a chilled pint,
the ‘Word of Life’ consigned to desolation in a bookshelf.
Ferociously tight – lipped with mind foreclosed to the ‘Living Truth’,
paying allegiance to no one but self; defining your relevance by vain titles and status garnered,
life’s success miserably measured by rectangular papers stacked in vaults and printed statements.
Self takes centre stage, and your sense of ‘a neighbour’ narrowed to family relatives,
when your vision captures only your shadow.
You miss yourself, when your values and practices are at odds with the will and purpose of God for you,
when like an undiscerning sheep you stray from the shepherd; threading the opposite path.
                                                                                                                     – Victor Sisan Awani (07/09/2010)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
Pathway to adulthood
The harvest is a product of the seed; an outcome of what was sowed.
An adult is the offshoot of the child; a reflection of what was instilled
He can only give what he has; therefore:
Bring up a child with mockery; and you find an adult who is timid
Bring up a child with deprivation; and you find an adult who is insecure
Bring up a child with abuse; and you find an adult who is bitter and hate
Bring up a child with vilification; and you find an adult who despise
Bring up a child with reproach; and you find an adult who feel guilty
Bring up a child with correction; and you find an adult exuding moral values
Bring up a child with physical force; and you find an adult who is aggressive
Bring up a child with care; and you find an adult who has a sense of self-worth
Bring up a child in disobedience; and you find an adult who is at odds with ethics
Bring up a child with encouragement; and you find an adult who is inspired
Bring up a child with thoughtfulness; and you find an adult who is considerate
Bring up a child with commendation; and you find an adult who is thankful
Bring up a child with moderation; and you find an adult who is humble
Bring up a child with fairness; and you find an adult who project justice
Bring up a child with commitment; and you find an adult who trust
Bring up a child with recognition; and you find an adult who has self-esteem
Bring up a child with affection; and you find an adult who love
Bring up a child with ‘giving’; and you find an adult who is kind and share
Bring up a child with thanksgiving; and you find an adult who show gratitude
Bring up a child with the fear of God; and you find an adult who has wisdom
Bring up a child in the way of the Lord; and you find an adult attached to the
‘true vine’ (John 15: 1-8)
Find an adult clinging to the ‘true vine’; and you will see a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17).
                                                                          – Jolomi O. Awani (16-04-2010)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani
The masquerades’
When the Bible referred to the heart of man as deceitful and desperately wicked
(Jeremiah 17:9), there were no classifications or specifics on the said ‘man’. Generally,
the reference to ‘man’ cuts across the broad spectrum of mankind. In other words,
all of man has the tendency for wickedness or evil deeds if by commission or omission
their hearts become a fertile ground for evil to thrive.
Today the world is replete with sworn enemies masquerading as friends; mask wearers
mimicking a genial host. Wickedness is embellished; adorned with skin-deep cordiality.
Impersonators’ come in the name of God or ‘their gods’ to deceive; many turn away from
the faith, betraying and hating each other; and false prophets perform great signs andÂ
wonders to deceive even the chosen…. This painful reality is evocative of the end time
(Mathew 24:5-24). There are no holds barred to what atrocity man can perpetuate, so
much so that the atheist may wonder at the abominable and atrocious deeds of ‘some’Â
professed people of faith who claim to love light yet live in darkness; lions in sheeps’ clothing. Â
Be alert and vigilant for the devil lurks around, usually in unexpected places and times.
Whether in the church, mosque, temple, workplace, school or pub, the devil has no first
or surname; it has no identity or fixed address. The devil could be anything or anyone
and can be anywhere at anytime; it is simply the prowling lion looking for someone to
devour. That Jesus Christ admonished his disciples to ‘watch and pray so as not to fall
into temptation’, underscore the need to have our back against the wall when it comes to
fighting off the devil - evident in human form, the absence of knowledge or otherwise.
No spiritual effort must be spared; no physical stone should be left unturned.
These are dangerous and uncertain times and the masquerades’ are everywhere.
Undoubtedly, we live in the precarious age when evildoers have raised their game.Â
Whether the enemy manifests as man or a destructive indulgence, we contend with a
period of hightened temptation and evil in the world. The antidote is a honest encounter
with God; staying in active fellowship with Him and measuring our actions with His word. Â
Entering the kingdom of God is not about becoming born again, but remaining born again.
                                                                                    – Victor Sisan Awani (24/04/2010)
Copyright secured by Digiprove © 2010 Victor Awani